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According to Dr. Ezra M. Hunt, there is no record in all of medicine that compares to alcohol's ability to impair functions and to start and promote organic lesions in important organs. The facts surrounding this are beyond dispute and have been accepted as truth by the profession as of this point.Changes in the stomach, liver, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels down to the tiniest capillaries, and the blood down to the smallest red and white blood discs, disturbances of secretion, fibroid and fatty degenerations in nearly every organ, impairment of muscular power, and impressions on the nervous systems that are so profound as to frequently be toxic are among the frequently observed effects. And they are not just found in individuals who are considered to be intemperate. Since alcohol interferes with breathing, circulation, and nutrition, it is obvious that it is not a health protector but rather a potent and active cause of disease, according to Professor Youmans. Is there any other outcome that might be expected? "That alcohol should contribute to the fattening process under certain conditions, and produce in drinkers fatty degeneration of the blood, follows, as a matter of course, since, on the one hand, we have an agent that retains waste material by lowering the nutritive and excretory functions, and on the other hand, a direct poisoner of the vesicles of the vital stream," says Dr. F.R. Lees.No type of tissue, healthy or diseased, is immune to fatty degeneration, and no biological condition causes a doctor as much stress or is as challenging to treat. When a very little sample of muscle taken from a healthy individual is examined under a microscope, the muscles are found to be firm., If we examine the muscle of a man who leads a sedentary lifestyle and consumes alcoholic beverages, we immediately notice a pale, flabby, inelastic, oily appearance.

In contrast, the muscle of a man who leads an active lifestyle is elastic and bright red in color, made up of parallel fibers with beautiful crossings or striae. Alcoholic narcotization appears to be more likely than any other agent that we are familiar to cause these unusual tissue abnormalities. Three-quarters of the chronic illnesses that doctors must manage, according to Dr. Chambers, "are brought about by this ailment. " Lecanu, a renowned French analytical chemist, discovered that a drunkard's blood contained up to 117 parts of fat in a thousand parts of blood, with the highest estimate of this quantity in health being 8 and 1/4 parts and the average quantity being no more than 2 or 3 parts. This means that the drunkard's blood contains forty times more fat than the average quantity.

In part defending alcohol as having a nutritional value, Dr. Hammond states, "When I assert that ethanol, of all other causes, is most prolific in inducing derangements of the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves, I make a statement that my own experience discloses to be correct.

According to another distinguished doctor, alcohol: "Suppuration takes the place of development. It aids in the aging process and, in a sense, is the genius of degeneration."
"Alcohol, consumed in little doses, or greatly diluted, as in the form of beer, causes the stomach progressively to lose its tone and renders it dependant upon artificial stimuli," says Dr. Monroe. Atony, or a lack of stomach tone, steadily worsens and leads to an irreversible health condition. 

Should Daily consumption of an alcoholic beverage will frequently cause the heart to hypertrophy, or grow throughout. In fact, it hurts to see how many people are truly suffering from heart disease, primarily as a result of drinking alcohol.rince of Wales' doctor, Dr. T.K. Chambers, says: "The most ungenerous diet there is is alcohol. It depletes the blood, and there is no surer path to the dreaded degradation of muscle fiber. In heart illness, it is particularly harmful since it speeds up the heartbeat, congests capillaries, disrupts circulation, and mechanically induces dilatation
Distinguished physician Sir Henry Thompson says: "Don't drink wine every day on the false pretense that it would benefit you. Consider it openly as a luxury that must be purchased, sometimes at a little cost and sometimes at a large one, but it must always be purchased. 
The cost is typically some loss of health, mental acuity, temper composure, or judgment." Dr. Charles Jewett says: " The late Prof. Parks of England effectively disproved the notion that alcohol is a helpful preventative where poor weather, poor water, and other unfavorable health conditions exist , a regrettable experiment with the drug in the Union army on the banks of the Chickahominy in the year 1863 proved conclusively that, instead of protecting the human constitution against the influence of harmful substances, alcohol actually makes things worse. The similar lesson may be learned from the medical history of the British army in India."
But why provide further testimony? Is the evidence enough? The person who values his health and does not want to lay the foundation for disease and misery in his later years does not need us to make even one more case for full abstention from alcoholic beverages. He will stay away from them since they are toxins.


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