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Librarian at Oregon

Professors that assign their student to edit wikipedia as part of their Education develop their students digital literacy while expanding their own duties from instruccting college student to instructing society.

Amin Azzam, a professor of psychiantry at the university of california, san fransisco, used to advise his medical student against looking for health related meterial on wikipedia because of its unreliability. but after being treated " like he was nuts " by a pupil, he later changed his mind. 
we all go there us student first, the student said to azzam. " why do you oppose us? why don't you assist us improving it ?
The student observation that the free encyclopedia entries are written  in a way that pupils can grasp was wise, in azzam's opinion. they also provide an approachable introduction to fresh subjects or a review of old subject.

forthermore, he came to the conclusion that doctors who disregard the fact that many patients turn to wikipedia to explore medical issues are deluding themselves.He made the decision to create and instruct a course on wikipediaEditing as an elective at the medical school.

The student explained to azzam," look, we all go there firs as students."why are you bettling with us ? why don't you lend a lend hand while we improve it ?
the student's observation that the entries in the free encylope are written in a way that pupils can understand was taken into consideration by azzam.additionally, they provide an approachhable introduction to brand-new topics or a review of old ones. he further reasonned that doctors who disregard the fact that many patients turn to Wikipedia to study their medical questions are deluding themeselves. he made the decisions to create and teach an.

Azzam is one of an increasing number of intructor who assign student to edit wikipedia as part of their coursework. these educators are improving their pupils' digital literacy abilities, disproving previouse arguments against the crowdsourcing website and expanding their responsibilities as educators outside the classroom and into society. Nevertheless, despite educational initiatives to improve students' proficiency with wikipedia, some people continue to advise against using it as a source for academic work.

The Reason for Wikipedia's article on the issue is frequently displayed as the top result when someone searches for Information Online. the crowdsourcing platform is renowed for both its breadth and depth, as well as for its shortcomings, which include unequel geographic, historical , gender , recial, sexual identily, and cultural representation.

According to Diana park, science librarian at oregon state university, professor who include wikipedia into their lectures take advantage of the chance to speak with their students about the creation and dissemination of information. her study alongside laurie bridges, an associate professor and instruction and outtreach librarian at oregon state institution, is influenced by their experiences instructing a two-credit course at the university that encourages student to consider information equality via the perspective of wikipedia.

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